About Us

DuckHouse Events have successfully marketed for, and added value to, a number of large brands. Economic awareness has led many customers to be far more aware of their spending and focus on what is important to them. More thought is going in to what the family budget is being spent on so companies have to be mindful of this.

We specialise in direct event marketing, this allows DuckHouse Events to deliver our clients products and services economically. Many companies have a limited budget for advertising and marketing so those account managers are always looking for the best way to promote their brand at the right price. Each form of advertising and marketing has its pros and cons, the determining factors on whether you use TV commercials, or billboard advertising or other marketing efforts is down to the desired outcome. If your brand is only looking to maintain its existing client base then TV and radio commercials are great as it is not the type of media that provokes a ‘call to action’. What we mean when we say ‘call to action’ is that your target market is not going to jump off their sofa and into their car to go and purchase your product after watching a TV commercial. TV is great for mass awareness but not mass action.

DuckHouse Events asks – what is your brand goal?
If the goal for your brand is to increase your customer base then it makes sense to use direct marketing. DuckHouse Events specialises in event marketing, meaning that we take our client’s products directly to their end consumers. By putting a face to a brand automatically builds trust and thus a long term relationship. This is why celebrity endorsements work well, when potential customers see a popular celebrity attached to a brand it builds confidence in the brand. Now the reality is, not every company can go down that route, so relying on a professional and reliable event marketing company makes sense.

The next question DuckHouse Events asks – to outsource or not to outsource?
This question again also heavily depends on your brands goals. Outsourcing these says is the clear winner – BUT that depends on the relationship you have with the company that you choose to outsource to. The first tip for a successful outsourcing partnership is continuous open communication. Nothing can be over look and no mistakes will be made if this is done properly. Working with a company that specializes in event marketing can only help your brands market awareness and increase your customer base.

Press releases

DuckHouse Events Explain the Importance of a Motivational Morning Meeting

As any business leader knows, communication amongst a team is vital if you want to succeed. Keeping everybody advised of developments, news and... read more

06.05.2014 • By DuckHouse Events
